Summit Park Public Service District
Meeting will be held on Monday, Monday 10, 2025 at 4:00 pm at the District’s office on Coal St. in Summit Park. Public meetings are recorded.
Work Session: 3:30PM
To discuss finances and review invoices for the previous month
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Roll Call - Declare quorum if present
III. Introduce Staff present
IV. Recognize public present
V. Approve minutes of previous month’s meeting.
VI. Financial Reports
A. Approve or deny bills
B. Budget review and discussion
VII. Old Business:
A. Water/Wastewater project status
B. Water loss report
C. Hiring status
VIII. New Business:
A. Request for approval to transfer funds from the water and sewer
depreciation reserves to pay for attorney fees
B. Consideration to update the open meeting public comment requirements.
X. Manager’s Report
Monthly status report
X. Any other Business that may come before the Board
XI. Open meeting to the public for comment.
(Each person will have a two minute time period to make comments concerning agenda items. All public comment topics must be submitted in writing in order to be added to the agenda, no less than two days before the meeting date. )
XII. Announcement of next scheduled meeting.
XIII. Adjournment
Copies of financial information are available to the public under the Federal Freedom of Information Act. The request must be made in writing; the District will provide the information in 5 business days. A copying fee of $.50 per page will apply, or if the person making the request would rather see the information in our office we will make it available during business hours.
Summit Park Public Service District
♦ Robert Hinebaugh, Chairman ♦ Paula McIntyre, Secretary ♦ Laetitia Clutter, Treasurer ♦
♦ Mary Seymour General Manager ♦